How to create and scan to a copier box.

Here at A1 Copy Tech. We’ve had a lot of customers ask us how to set up a box a user box that stores your documents.

We’re going to go ahead and walk you through the process of storing this document here, which is our number. Basically you put that in the feeder start off that way you don’t worry about it all your important documents that you want to scan to a box.

You’re gonna hit User Box.

You’re in the public folder right now so you can hit new. Touch here.

Let’s just call this box one. We’re gonna hit close Okay,

So there the box is that point your documents already in the feeder. You’re gonna hit save.

All your adjustments are here. If you want to save it in color, black and white, PDF whatever you want to size double-sided front back whatever it is, but your document will be saved in that box.

Hit start.

All right. So basically it’s saved now, you’re gonna go about throughout your day. You’re gonna go back in your copy mode. Make your copy throughout the day you decide you want to make a copy.

Of this original once again.But you no longer have the original.

At that point you’re going to hit, menu, use your box.

Choose the box, open. There’s my document. I’m going to hit. Touch, we’re gonna hit print.

And when it turns blue you hit start.

If you watch over here.

This is the document that just came out of the machine now. It’s permanently saved here. So you don’t have to sit and look for this document. So if you have certain type of work documents. Whether it’s a fax form or special paperwork that you need to save you can save on the copier itself.

Thank you for watching.